"4 Days Out" is episode 9 of season 2 of Breaking Bad

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  1. The whole family sits in a hospital waiting room.

    The whole family sits in a hospital waiting room.

  2. Walt visits Saul.

    Walt visits Saul.

  3. Jesse  & Jane wake up.

    Jesse  & Jane wake up.

  4. Walt calls Jesse. Alternates with the previous scene.

    Walt calls Jesse. Alternates with the previous scene.

  5. Skylar takes Walt to the airport.

    Skylar takes Walt to the airport.

  6. Jesse drives off the main road.

    Jesse drives off the main road.

  7. Walt and Jesse arrive at their cook site.

    Walt and Jesse arrive at their cook site.

  8. Jesse drops off Walt at the airport.

    Jesse drops off Walt at the airport.

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