"One Minute" is episode 7 of season 3 of Breaking Bad

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  1. Flashback to the two brothers' youth.

    Flashback to the two brothers' youth.

    Location: Tio's house
  2. Hank assaults Jesse.

    Hank assaults Jesse.

    Location: Jesse's house
  3. Jesse is at the hospital.

    Jesse is at the hospital.

  4. Hank has a meeting.

    Hank has a meeting.

    Location: DEA offices
  5. Skylar visits Walt's new apartment.

    Skylar visits Walt's new apartment.

  6. The two brothers buy some guns.

    The two brothers buy some guns.

    Location: Parking lot
  7. Timelapse of Albuquerque.

    Timelapse of Albuquerque.

  8. Walt is at the hospital again.

    Walt is at the hospital again.

  9. Walt arrives at his apartment. Alternates with the previous scene.

    Walt arrives at his apartment. Alternates with the previous scene.

  10. Hank has another meeting.

    Hank has another meeting.

    Location: DEA offices
  11. Hank gets ambushed by the two brothers.

    Hank gets ambushed by the two brothers.

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