"To’hajiilee" is episode 13 of season 5 of Breaking Bad

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  1. Lydia visits Todd's uncle's compound.

    Lydia visits Todd's uncle's compound.

  2. Hank and Jesse meet with Gomez.

    Hank and Jesse meet with Gomez.

  3. The guys go to Hank's house.

    The guys go to Hank's house.

  4. Hank and Gomez pay Huell a visit.

    Hank and Gomez pay Huell a visit.

  5. Hank meets with Todd's uncle.

    Hank meets with Todd's uncle.

  6. Walt goes to see Andrea.

    Walt goes to see Andrea.

  7. Hank listens to Jesse's voicemail.

    Hank listens to Jesse's voicemail.

  8. Walt Jr. helps out at the carwash.

    Walt Jr. helps out at the carwash.

    Location: Car wash
  9. Walt drives through town.

    Walt drives through town.

  10. Walt makes a turn in the desert.

    Walt makes a turn in the desert.

  11. Walt arrives where he burried his money.

    Walt arrives where he burried his money.

    Location: First cook site
  12. Marie gets a call from Hank. Alternates with the previous scene.

    Marie gets a call from Hank. Alternates with the previous scene.

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